Hoarding Cleanup
Homes that may seem daunting and overwhelming due to the amount of clutter, trash, and abundance of personal belongings is our specialty. Whether it is one room or an entire house that needs to be cleaned, Rocky Mountain Biohazards crew and hoarding technicians are professional and among the most experienced in Colorado and in the industry. We have helped individuals over the years in not only restoring their homes, but also in restoring their lives.
Our goal is to help those afflicted with this disorder and to provide them with the tools and skills needed to live a clutter free life. We offer understanding, trust and hope in a caring, compassionate and discreet environment, while providing the quality of care our clients expect and deserve.
Hoarding affects the individual's life, and may be affecting those surrounding them as well. In the end, the hoarder's lifestyle may be dramatically altered, ranging from a limited social life to being cut off from family and friends as a direct or indirect result of hoarding. This ultimately leads to the hoarder becoming more and more attached to the clutter that surrounds them, relying on their "stuff" for social interaction and comfort. Our experienced technicians are trained and have experience identifying and safeguarding items of real and perceived value such as photographs, heirlooms, jewelry, cash, collectibles,stock certificates, etc. We work closely with the client and loved ones for guidelines for what to look for and save.
When the job is complete, everything in the home and exterior is either disposed of, donated or kept based on the guidance of the clients objectives and by OSHA protocols and regulations.
Call today! Estimates are free. All calls are confidential and unlike our competitors, we are discrete!
Many people are discouraged from calling a cleaning company out of embarrassment or fear of what the employees would think of their current situation. Our only concerns are for your safety, your emotions, and your satisfaction with our work performed. After several years in this industry, there are few things we have not seen. From the hour we arrive, to the hour we leave you will realize our compassion is genuine.
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